
Jon and his family moved to Indonesia in 2017 to immerse themselves in Indonesian culture and language, with a plan to engage in business locally and make disciples of Jesus along the way. After many lessons learned through his first business endeavor, Jon began to notice that many of his Indonesian friends in the web development space are extremely skilled and produce incredibly high quality work. What was lacking was the infrastructure of a network enabling them to connect with the greater international digital landscape. Then, Jon was fortunate to meet Nick Alter with Alter Endeavors. Nick was in need of a web developer with the precise expertise that Jon had already established relationship with. Throwing himself into being the bridge between the need and the solution, Jon spearheaded the project and grew what is now Wawai Partners. After one successful project led to another and the “bridge” continued to grow, Wawai Partners was established as an LLC in Texas at the beginning of 2023.

Wawai Partners exists to provide global work opportunities for people in Indonesia through the digital space and our mission is to build teams that tirelessly care. For now we are laser focused on template based web design and development, but have every intention of expanding into other digital fields.

Good company


creative environment

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